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Benefits of Nitix.


Nitix is a sub-40 MB operating system that is built on a Linux kernel and incorporates autonomic elements making it extremely stable, reliable and secure.

  • Nitix is an autonomic system that “knows itself,” understands and has detailed knowledge of its network surroundings.
  • Includes self-diagnostic and self-healing capabilities that enable the system to discover problems or potential problems and automatically find a wayto fix those problems in order to keep functioning properly.
  • Leverages its high availability system design enabling a smooth recovery after the system is abruptly powered down, under any load.
  • Can be run from a non-volatile solid-state disk or CD-ROM providing the ultimate in reliability and crash recovery.


Nitix significantly minimizes downtime compared to traditional general purpose operating systems.

  • Incorporates unique software features that enable fast and easy recovery from a catastrophic system failure in two minutes or less.
  • Integrates an intelligent backup system that provides continuous, automated, unattended backups as often as every 15 minutes ensuring that data is always backed-up.
  • Provides the ability to restore individual files and full directories.
  • Includes self-healing capabilities enabling the system to recover from routine and extraordinary events that might cause traditional server operating systems to malfunction or crash.


Nitix is a secure server operating system that uses autonomic features to protect itself.

  • Incorporates an intelligent software feature that automatically identifies and protects itself against various types of network attacks to maintain overall system security and integrity.
  • Integrates a state-of-the-art, auto configuring firewall offering protection from hackers and other intruders.
  • Incorporates port-forwarding offering simple and safe access to protected servers behind the firewall.
  • Uses auto configuring VPN technology providing a safe and easy way to connect offices to each other via the Internet.
  • Nitix can be run from read-only media, preventing contamination of the operating system making it ultra secure.


Nitix provides tools that simplify deployment, management and administration, and maximize productivity.

  • Leverages autonomic features that simplify deployment and maintenance functions allowing technology providers to set up, run and maintain your networks productively and efficiently.
  • Incorporates self configuring and reconfiguring capabilities under varying and even unpredictable conditions ensuring that the system is always configured properly reducing nuisance misconfiguration problems.
  • Helps you manage your network proactively by automating tasks and simplifying updates.
  • Incorporates tools for technology providers allowing them to manage and troubleshoot from anywhere in the world making IT management extremely cost effective and allowing for very quick response times in the event of a problem.


Nitix provides an extensible platform for quickly building solutions that keep employees, partners, systems and customers connected.

  • Provides an integrated web server that helps you quickly, easily and securely create dynamic intranet and Internet web sites.
  • Delivers a safe and easy way to connect offices to each other employing the Internet as a connection medium.
  • Enables Windows or Macintosh® users to securely connect to their network from anywhere on the Internet.
  • Redundant Internet connectivity feature increases reliability and improves overall throughput of Internet connections.


When compared to similar, traditional server operating systems, Nitix provides unique features and technologies that help you get the greatest return on your infrastructure investments.

  • When compared to traditional solutions, Nitix offers reduced product licensing, ongoing support and administration costs providing significant overall IT savings.
  • Nitix provides the flexibility to expand or consolidate servers by offering customizable multi-purpose functionality.
  • Lowers your total cost of ownership (TCO) to realize a fast return on investment.
  • Nitix’s efficient design allows it to be used on older computers increasing server hardware life cycle and giving you a longer return on hardware investments.

Learn More About Nitix:
[ Benefits of Nitix ] [ Nitix Core Technologies & Services ]
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Nitix, Small business network, Server, Internet services, Autonomic, Linux



















Nitix, Small business network, Server, Internet services, Autonomic, Linux

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