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Security risks and breaches have become
so prevalent in today's society that the House of Representatives
has created a Technology Subcommittee that is currently interviewing
the leading security experts in the industry to report back to
Congress, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland
Security, to help determine how to best proceed in creating and
enforcing new laws specifically addressing these new threats.
On September 9, 2003 the Technology Subcommittee heard testimony
from the top leaders in Internet Security, with some very troubling
statistics emerging. Christopher Wysopal, Co-founder of @Stake
Consulting stated that "a new computer that is connected
to the Internet for the first time will be compromised within
72 hours". He also stated that "the Blaster Worm marks
the first significant change in virus attacks because it is the
first virus to deliver a payload". Greg Akers, Chief Technology
Officer of Cisco Systems stated "an entire marketplace has
sprung up that exploits the vulnerabilities of software products
that the public is completely unaware of".
Vincent Gullotto, leader of Network Associates'
Anti-Virus Emergency response team said "Security is not
a place to get to, it is an ever evolving challenge". He
also stated emphatically, "Anti-virus software alone is no
longer enough to protect against current (security) threats".
Phillip Reitenger, Senior Security Strategist for Microsoft stated,
"Criminals will sometimes use private computer networks in
launching attacks".
Consider the following comments made by Dr. John Schwartz, President
of Symantec Corporation: "We are a society that relies more
and more on Cyber Technology". "Attacks are faster,
more unpredictable, and more destructive that ever before...........Cyber
attacks are gaining in virility." "According to our
findings, 250 new software vulnerabilities and 450 new viruses
are discovered each month." Dr. Schwartz also said: "Firewalls
and updated virus software should be compared in importance to
seatbelts in cars". He finished his testimony with suggestions
on combating these threats: "Security requires regular audits
and proactive assessments to be effective", and "the
#1 step is educating users in protection".
"Education is the Key, for software engineers, system administrators
and consumers, to combat these new security threats." (Greg
Akers, CTO of Cisco Systems)