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Abstract Art

IMwithLOVEdesigns brings you Abstract Art at a affordable price for any taste and style! My name is Ivy Marie Bain. I am a Georgia based artist who has been involved in all forms of art since I can remember. Born and raised in New Jersey, I began drawing at a very young age. Growing up I took every art class possible, from painting, drawing, photography. It wasn't until a college painting class that I found my passion. Abstract Art! I still enjoy all other forms of art, but abstract paintings just flow on the canvas so naturally for me. I use various form of mediums and I draw on nature to give me ideas for many of my Abstract Art works. Abstract Painting is a stress release for me that must be done at least twice a week regardless of my inspiration.

IMwithLOVEdesigns specializes in Baby Gifts, Buy Art, Imwithlovedesigns, and Abstract Art.

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